
The Strother School of Radical Attention (SoRA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ATTENTION ACTIVISM: the movement to push back against the fracking of human attention by coercive digital technologies. We advance this mission through the STUDY and PRACTICE of radical attention, by which we mean those diverse forms of attention which resist commodification. In our seminar courses, experiential Attention Lab workshops, and other hybrid forms of group teaching and learning, we seek to deepen our shared understanding of attention's relation to human flourishing.

Our dream? A future where every person is equipped to freely give their attention (that is, their care) to each other and the world.

Our Mission

Through teaching, learning, public programs, and experimental creative projects, The Matthew Strother School of Attention aims to draw attention to attention: to stimulate interest in, and research on attention; to nurture communities of commitment to the attentive life, and to model forms of collective inquiry that advance the attentional flourishing of human beings, human societies, and our shared planet.