
Anna Von Mertens & Jennifer L. Roberts 

OPENING: March 6, 5:30-7:30

A century ago, astronomer Henrietta Leavitt studied glass plate photographs at the Harvard College Observatory, measuring star brightness—her work became key to mapping the cosmos. Artist Anna Von Mertens mirrors Leavitt’s precision through graphite and paper, meticulously depicting the observatory’s glass plates through intimate, repeated gestures that measure themselves against the vastness of the sky. Using a macro lens, art historian Jennifer L. Roberts photographs Von Mertens's drawings, creating a dialogue of attention between artist, astronomer, and historian. Through her photography, Roberts generates new worlds while inviting a closer look at Von Mertens's drawings, a deeper gaze at Leavitt's work, and a contemplation of our place among the stars.

SoRA Sanctuary Gallery Upcoming Exhibition

55 Washington St, Ste 736
Brooklyn, NY 11203

An exhibition space at the Strother School of Radical Attention.

Federica Soletta

Exhibition Committee:
Raya Hazell
Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro
Joanna Fiduccia
Claudia Claremi

The Friends of Attention is a coalition of artists, scholars, and activists concerned with attentional forms (and practices) that are resistant to commodification. Founded in 2018 at the São Paulo Biennial, the collective makes films and texts, coordinates study groups, and convenes an annual series of workshops on “The Politics of Attention.” The Friends have written a “Handbook for the Attention Liberation Movements” and a “Manifesto for the Freedom of Attention.” These and other materials are available at www.friendsofattention.net.

Image credit:

Anna Von Mertens, Polaris Portrait no. 4
2024, graphite on paper, detail
Photo by Jen Bervin