WORK FROM HOME (February 2025)

WORK FROM HOME (February 2025)

DREAMSTATES (January 2025)

DREAMSTATES (January 2025)

Attention Activism 101 (January 2025)

Attention Activism 101 (January 2025)

Fracking the Forum (January 2025)

Fracking the Forum (January 2025)

Psychoanalytic Topologies (November 2024)

Psychoanalytic Topologies (November 2024)

Attention Sanctuary Webinar (November 2024)

Attention Sanctuary Webinar (November 2024)

Seeing Through Walls (November 2024)

Seeing Through Walls (November 2024)

The History of Happiness (October 2024)

The History of Happiness (October 2024)

How to Build an Attention Sanctuary: A Six-Week Journey for Parents and Guardians (Oct-Nov 2024)

How to Build an Attention Sanctuary: A Six-Week Journey for Parents and Guardians (Oct-Nov 2024)

Three Modes of Attention— Plants, Rocks, and Smoke (October 2024)

Three Modes of Attention— Plants, Rocks, and Smoke (October 2024)

How to Build an Attention Sanctuary: A Six-Week Journey for Parents and Guardians (Sept-Nov 2024)

How to Build an Attention Sanctuary: A Six-Week Journey for Parents and Guardians (Sept-Nov 2024)

The Choreography of Attention (Sep 2024)

The Choreography of Attention (Sep 2024)

Car(ry)ing Across: A Toolkit for Attentive Translation (Aug & Sep 2024)

Car(ry)ing Across: A Toolkit for Attentive Translation (Aug & Sep 2024)

Attention Scholars Summer Academy (Jun & Aug 2024)

Attention Scholars Summer Academy (Jun & Aug 2024)

Hidden Cities: Urban Form, Infrastructural Attention, and the Future of New York City (Jul 2024)

Hidden Cities: Urban Form, Infrastructural Attention, and the Future of New York City (Jul 2024)

Slow Burn: Radical Attention and Collective Action in an Age of Crisis (Jul 2024)

Slow Burn: Radical Attention and Collective Action in an Age of Crisis (Jul 2024)

SoRA Webinar: Caring for Youth in an Age of Distraction (Jun 2024)

SoRA Webinar: Caring for Youth in an Age of Distraction (Jun 2024)

A Geography of Olfaction: Materials, Ecologies, Relations (Jun 2024)

A Geography of Olfaction: Materials, Ecologies, Relations (Jun 2024)

The Great Rewiring of Parenthood: Attention, Tech, and the Future of Child-Rearing (May 2024)

The Great Rewiring of Parenthood: Attention, Tech, and the Future of Child-Rearing (May 2024)

Bring into Focus: Attention & the Camera in Film (Apr-May 2024)

Bring into Focus: Attention & the Camera in Film (Apr-May 2024)

Look, Here, Now (Apr 2024)

Look, Here, Now (Apr 2024)

Zen and the Art of Attention (Mar 2024)

Zen and the Art of Attention (Mar 2024)

The Poetics of Attention (Feb-Mar 2024)

The Poetics of Attention (Feb-Mar 2024)

The Learning Industry: Attention, Tech, and the Future of Education (Feb 2024)

The Learning Industry: Attention, Tech, and the Future of Education (Feb 2024)

The Ethics of Attention: Activism, Community, Sanctuary (Nov 2023)

The Ethics of Attention: Activism, Community, Sanctuary (Nov 2023)

The Attention Economy: History, Theory, Resistance (Oct 2023)

The Attention Economy: History, Theory, Resistance (Oct 2023)